Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Isle

The game i chose is the Isle, which is an open-world survival game where players choose from three factions survivors, tribals, and dinosaurs in an attempt to survive a fierce island where you have to hunt, hide, and survive.

At the moment, only the dinosaurs are playable (but that will change soon.) At the moment, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Shantuangasaurus, Pueretasaurus, Gallimimus, Diabloceratops, Maiasaurus, Dryosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Herrarasaurus, Austroraptor, Utharaptor, Allosaurus, Suchomimus, Carnotaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Juvenile, Sub-adult and Adult Tyrannosaurus. Although new dinosaurs are on the way.

As it is now, dinosaur players have to hunt/forage for food, get water, and basically hangout with friends, although the way it work  is that, you start off as a tier 1 dino, very weak and only defense is to hide, then after you amass a certain amount of progression points, you can move up a tier.

For tyrannosaurus tier set, you start as dryo, get 30 points, then move to herrarasaurus, then get 30 more points and get juvenile rex, then 120 for sub adult and another 120 for adult

In the picture below, there is the adult at the left, sub adult in the middle and the two on he left are juveniles.

Suchomimus, relaxing

Diabloceratops and Shantuangosaurus herd
Stegosaurus and triceratops vs Acrocanthosaurus
An Allosaurus pack

An adult rex meets an Austoraptor

And a pair of Acrocanthosaurus attack a Shantuangosaurus

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