Thursday, December 8, 2016

In13Tween Project

The goal of the In13Tween project was to create a vertical slice game concept of young teenagers and concerning the choices they make. Primarily, it deals with drugs and partying. What we expected was that we were initially going to have a the player choose a character during middle school, where the player will interact with other students and make decisions on whether or not to hang out with them,as each choice will effect their grades, health, parent approval or student approval.

During the process of creating assets, we kept the basic pixel design throughout the project without changing its concept. We also kept our deadlines down and got all of our content turned in. However, there were some communication issues that resulted in two parties designing the same assets without any communication between the two, although we did resolve the issue without much of a problem.

I learned that if we don't communicate between teammates, problems can easily sneak up on you without you knowing till its too late. Also, even if you've completed all of your assigned work, there's still work that can be done or a teammate that needs help.When you have a deadline to meet, do not wait till last minute to turn it in even if its simple, there's always a chance for something to go wrong.

The School background setting
 The yes button

In-game screenshot

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