Thursday, January 26, 2017

"The Isle" Game review

DeJon Horton
COM 3342

The Isle - PC

When this game was first revealed, not much was known about it apart that you could play as dinosaurs and that it was multiplayer. As of now, the game has been release for a bit over a year and there has been a tremendous amount of work that's been put in it since then. 

Initially, there were only 6 playable dinosaurs, (Tyrannosaurus, Carnotaurus, Austroraptor, Shantugosaurus, Gallimimus, an Pueretasaurus) and as of now there are 24 playable species (Velociraptor, Herrasaurus, Allosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Baryonyx, Suchomimus, Spinosaurus, Psittacosaurus, Dryosaurus, Maiasaurus, Diabloceratops, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Utahraptor and the original six, not to mention mercenaries and tribal's are nearly done as well. 

Also since the release of the game there have been many new mechanics that refine it, such as progression over sandbox (Sandbox being you join a server and select any dinosaur you want, which normally ends up with a bunch of top tier dinosaurs in giant packs which is very problmatic) So what is in at the moment is a point based progression where you start of as either a velociraptor (Carnivore) or psittacosaurus (Herbivore) and work your way up to a larger dino via progression points. Herbivores earn them by eating blue progression plants that are scattered around the island. Carnivores earn then by the minute. For example, to get a rex, you need 30pts as Velociraptor, -> 120pts with Herrarasaurus, -> 120pts with Allosaurus, -> 180pts with Acrocanthosaurus -> Tyrannosaurus (7.5hrs). Now at first glance that may seem a bit extreme, however, if you were to go onto any nearly full server (50 or more players), there is going to be at least 4+ rexs, 5+ Giganotosaurus and 7+ Spinosaurus (Because atm spino's damage is bugged with its weight class making it do more than it should) The other way to get progression points is by nesting other players in and raising them to sub-adulthood (.8 scale) at which the "parents" will get a massive amount of points. (Eventually points can also be used to upgrade you dino or humans stats (Aka, Stamina, Damage, Bleed, etc)

Graphically gorgeous
Time absorbing
Very fun with friends
Updates nearly everyday
Passionate Devs
Have to work to get a top tier animal
Highly Immersive

Whiny community (Some)
Time consuming
Early Access

(Click pictures to view them if they don't show up)
(Albino Tyrannosaurus)
(Austroraptor pack)

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