Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Game review 3

Jurassic World

Jurassic World the game, is a (mostly) FTP mobile app game that encompasses Jurassic World. When the game was first released, it was about 1 or 2 months ahead of the movie, because of this players got a very vague experience of the story through the game's mission's chapters, although the actually missions were more focused on adding or moving things around your park. Also opon starting the game, players are introduced to the battle system (Although since then, ALOT has been added.) 
As you can see here, the battle system in rock, paper scissors style with the creature with the type advantage gets a 50% attack boots and the creature with the disadvantage gets a 50% nerf to their attack. And as the image above shows, they recently made an integrated battle system with both Land an Cenozoic creatures, however upon meeting their stats will be at base. Also, the creatures have a rarity that dictates their stats, blue is common, bronze is rare, silver super rare, gold legendary. And each creature can be bought by using DNA
Also, some creature the player can combine to create hybrids, although you can only fuse them once the 2 needed creatures are at lvl40
Lvl 40 Indominous rex, base creatures needed are a maxed tyrannosaurus and a maxed velociraptor
When the game first launched, in originally only had land creatures, since then we've gotten aquatic and ice age animals, which are kept in separate areas from the main park.
Base park
For the aquatic area, you tap on the lagoon, it becomes unlocked once the player reaches a certain level.

The galcier are is located in a large building to the left of the screen, and also you can see that the player and jump into the creatures enclosure where players can feed them to level them up an "pet" them.

So, over all, the game is very fun and addicting and the devs are activly updating the game with new feature and creature and modes, such as pvp (Against bots), events, tournaments, community boss raids, and daily battles. 

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