Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Journal #2

Journal Review #2


As has many gamers, I've heard and played Minecraft and actually like it for a short amount of time, well with the vanilla game, i never managed to do mods for mine so i feel i've missed out on the full minecraft experience. However the simplistic design of the game makes it unique in comparison other games (and also makes it run pretty good) Also because of its design it reminds me of playing with LEGO's as a child which brings out my inner child which i really appreciate.


As a person who does play mobile app games, Farmville was pretty decent until you get stuck wait for crops and other items timers to run down which severely halt game play which can get irritating (Although i know its there to pace game play but doesn't work as a game you play for more than 10-20 mins a day) In comparison to a similar game, Jurassic World, whoms base is the same, in where the goal is to gain coin, food, special currency and other resources, for FV it being land, animals and decorations, for JW dinosaurs, DNA, and other items, whoever when comparing them, JW had a battle feature where you can fight against a bot which gives the game more that you can do while you wait for timers to run down, FV however doesn't have such a feature. Because of that, FV falls short of enjoyable to me because it lacks depth that alows us to pass time ingame.

Katawa Shoujo

Personally, Kawata is different from most games as it has very limited interaction with the main characters decisions and most things are automated/ randomly chosen. For example, it is suppose to be a dating game in sorts, but I never really saw the option to choose the girl I wanted to go after. Eventually the game itself just became boring to me and quickly lost interest as it became simply press spacebar to go through dialogue.


I honestly cant say much about Warframe considering i never got the game to run due to an overly problematic login system. However, I did look up a few videos of gameplay, while watching i never really stopped to ask about the gender of the characters that is because of their armor covers them as armor should, and whats under the armor doesn't really apply to the game as important even thouh the armor themselves have a gendered shape which questions what the developers were trying to get the players to conceive.

Left 4 Dead

Out of most of the games that we played, L4D was by far my favorite as it incorporated survival and working together with a team which are my preferred types of games so it was very enjoyable to play this for the first time. What made the game fun is how the levels are designed, its done in a way that looks open but in reality is actually linear, as often I found myself exploring however always eventually getting to the safe room. I also appreciated that you couldn't lone-wolf the level as the special infected are powerful enough that you cant take them on alone. So all in all, I will definatly will eventually get the game myself.

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