Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Week 11 Assignment

Increasing scheduled time- We didn't have to add too much apart from fixing a few bugs.

Adding resources- Apart from adding in a few features such as art or minor details, nothing major was added on game-play wise.

Cutting features- We had to cut character customization, some art work, and some locations.

Reducing quality- In terms of detail, all that was reduced would be the artwork. Instead of having high resolution characters and backgrounds we used pixel art.

Build notes

Dev team- The Main menu artwork needs to be done
Management- Added a new document to discord.
Marketing PR- Added updated art assets

Thursday, December 8, 2016

In13Tween Project

The goal of the In13Tween project was to create a vertical slice game concept of young teenagers and concerning the choices they make. Primarily, it deals with drugs and partying. What we expected was that we were initially going to have a the player choose a character during middle school, where the player will interact with other students and make decisions on whether or not to hang out with them,as each choice will effect their grades, health, parent approval or student approval.

During the process of creating assets, we kept the basic pixel design throughout the project without changing its concept. We also kept our deadlines down and got all of our content turned in. However, there were some communication issues that resulted in two parties designing the same assets without any communication between the two, although we did resolve the issue without much of a problem.

I learned that if we don't communicate between teammates, problems can easily sneak up on you without you knowing till its too late. Also, even if you've completed all of your assigned work, there's still work that can be done or a teammate that needs help.When you have a deadline to meet, do not wait till last minute to turn it in even if its simple, there's always a chance for something to go wrong.

The School background setting
 The yes button

In-game screenshot

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The game I chose to use is Primal Carnage Extinction and I listened to its many sound effects.

Roars, No they don't loop, they are around 1-6 seconds long, sound effect
Bite/attack sounds, don't loop, are all under 3 seconds, sound effect
Gun shots, do not loop, about .5-2 seconds, sound effect
Eating sounds, they do loop, are between 2-7 seconds, sound effect
Heavy breathing, loops, around 3 seconds, sound effect
FlameSaw fire, loops, base sound is about 2 seconds, sound effect
FlameSaw's saw, loops, 2-3 seconds, sound effect  
Idle, loops 1-3 seconds
Reloading, do not loop, 2-5 seconds, sound effect

Birds, do not loop, 1-5 seconds, foley sound
Outdoor ambiance, loops, foley sound
Light fixtures, loop, 5 seconds foley sound
Rain, loops, 10 seconds, foley sound
Wind, loops, 5-10 seconds, foley sound
Footsteps, do not loop, less than 1 second, foley sound
Clothes moving, do not loop, under 1 second, foley sound
Electricity, loops, 3 seconds, foley sound
Lightning, does not loop, 2-4 seconds, foley sound
Human talk, do not loop, 1-3 seconds, foley sound
Bushes, do not loop, 1-2 seconds, foley sound

The intro music: loops, about 60 seconds, composition
Battle music: loops, 10- as long as you are in combat, composition

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dr. Nido Qubein shall be playing as a protagonist here and we will have a few animations that he'll have to perform.

Attack 1
Combo Attack
Attack 2
Sprint Attack
Counter Attack 1
Counter Attack 2
Jump Attack
Double Jump
Ground Smash
Limp Attack
Use Item
Throw 1
Throw 2
Crouch Attack


Shot List

N(Nido), I(Idle), LO(Loop), A1(Attack_1), A2(Attack_2), G(Grab), TH1(Throw_1), TH2(Throw_2), IT(Item), IN(Interact), CB(Combo_Attack), L(Limp), LP(Limp_Attack), P(Push), BK(Block), IJ(Injured), JP(Jump), DJ(Double_Jump), JK(Jump_Attack), GS(Ground_Attack), CH(Crouch), CK(Crouch_Attack), W(Walk), SP(Sprint), SK(Sprint_Attack), CT1(Counter_Attack_1), CT2(Counter_Attack_2), DH(Death)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

SWOT Analysis

Our game is called In|13|tween, the game itself will be a teenage life simulation with a point and click decision making type of experience. Our target audience are ages 10-18 because it would be the most relatable age to the users experience.

SWOT Analysis

Our team has a drive to complete this.
We each have a bit of experience in different areas, (Sound, art, etc)
The fact that we are near the age of our target market, so we can relate to them.
The fact we have a small group, it makes getting us together and assigning us to tasks is easier.

We should avoid trying to get too complicated due to our limited time and numbers
Our limited amount of time we see each other to communicate and overall time to complete the project.
The fact that we are all fairly new at this, we don't have a strong impact compared to other companies.

The fact that we are students we have access to resources that others don't.
The fact that the younger population seems to be more at risk than our generation was at their age.

Because we are in school, there's a chance that other classes will interfere with our progress.
The other group working on a similar game as us along side us.
Our experience level could be a threat if we don't try to learn what we don't know.


"Childhood Diseases" (Google play app store)
"This application dedicated to giving you the best possible information to help you make educated decisions on your health care needs.
You will find reliable health information such as diseases description, it's causes, risk factors, treatment and complications, questions to ask your doctor."

On a mobile platform, so its easily accessible
Available offline
Large database available to the user
Has a steady target market. (Parents to young children)

Not a game
Lack of interest to younger players
Primarily text based

Made for a permanent group of people, as parents are going to be a steady population.

If a similar software is released but is more image and game based, it could be overtaken.
Data based could be used for other software.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Isle was created in Unreal Engine, so from playing with it I somewhat know what the engine can and cant do.

-In terms of progression from aging, The Isle's progression system works great with it. You start off as a low level dinosaur, then once you accumulate enough points, you can progress to a higher tier creature.
However, time wise, it be best to reduce how many points it'll take to move up in the clients game, as in the Isle, progression is going to be a long process, as at the moment, it takes 5 hours to get to the adult rex and eventually its going to take even longer, due to that progression points accumulate 1 per minute. (Although that will change in the future)

-In terms of meeting people, The Isle teaches you cant trust just anyone you meet, as if push comes to shove, players tend to think of them self first like in any other survival game. Due to this, the player in the clients vision can be taught that not everyone is going to be your friend (Although in the game, the worst possible outcome is drugs and such, in The Isle its much more graphic as well as loosing possibly hours of work)
However, by picking the right friends, the game becomes more fun and a bit easier.

Here, me and two other players made a pack of Austroraptors (Left) so we could help each other progress to Utharaptor (Right)

-Now something the clients game already has is making choices in what you future holds, in making good or bad decisions. In the Isle, picking between carnivore and herbivore will drastically change how you play the game and interact with other people. So there could be two factions in our game that would influence two styles of game play that may or may not overlap.

Herbivore life (Left) Carnivore life (Right)

In The Isle, because its made in UE4, and the Devs often stream what they do, its been explained what can and can not be done. Such as playable sauropods, as they would need 16+ attacks to have a viable defense against a large predator. Saying this, some game features may sound fun, but in actual game play wise they would not be enjoyable or balanced enough to work.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Isle

The game i chose is the Isle, which is an open-world survival game where players choose from three factions survivors, tribals, and dinosaurs in an attempt to survive a fierce island where you have to hunt, hide, and survive.

At the moment, only the dinosaurs are playable (but that will change soon.) At the moment, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Shantuangasaurus, Pueretasaurus, Gallimimus, Diabloceratops, Maiasaurus, Dryosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Herrarasaurus, Austroraptor, Utharaptor, Allosaurus, Suchomimus, Carnotaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Juvenile, Sub-adult and Adult Tyrannosaurus. Although new dinosaurs are on the way.

As it is now, dinosaur players have to hunt/forage for food, get water, and basically hangout with friends, although the way it work  is that, you start off as a tier 1 dino, very weak and only defense is to hide, then after you amass a certain amount of progression points, you can move up a tier.

For tyrannosaurus tier set, you start as dryo, get 30 points, then move to herrarasaurus, then get 30 more points and get juvenile rex, then 120 for sub adult and another 120 for adult

In the picture below, there is the adult at the left, sub adult in the middle and the two on he left are juveniles.

Suchomimus, relaxing

Diabloceratops and Shantuangosaurus herd
Stegosaurus and triceratops vs Acrocanthosaurus
An Allosaurus pack

An adult rex meets an Austoraptor

And a pair of Acrocanthosaurus attack a Shantuangosaurus